to the Stoke Lodge Playing Fields website
Stoke Lodge Playing Fields are owned by Bristol City Council and leased to Cotham School as their offsite playing fields for the delivery of PE lessons.
When the school and its hirers are not using the playing fields, the school welcomes the general public to use our wonderfully maintained facilities free of charge, in line with our published conditions of use. Our opening hours for public access to our playing fields inside the perimeter fence can be found here. We should also highlight for your enjoyment that public access to the playing fields that fall outside of the perimeter fence is available 24 hours per day seven days a week.
It should also be highlighted for your continued enjoyment of Stoke Lodge that Cotham School permits free of charge public access to the facilities that take place on average 54 hours per week during term time and that this increases to 80 hours per week on average in the school holidays.